[EN-IT] Winter Lantern – A Pale and Haunting Moon

Winter Lantern is a “one woman vampyric black metal” band hailing from North Carolina, US, and which dropped their second full length, A Pale and Haunting Moon, in February 2021. Winter Lantern è il nome di una band “one woman vampyric black metal” dalla Carolina del Nord, e che ha rilasciato il suo secondo album, …

[IT-EN-ES] Nigra Sono: a conversation with A Plague

///EN The comrades at Nigra Sono, anarchist and antifascist podcast, interviewed Al, mastermind behind “A Plague“, black metal project from São Paulo, Brazil. As we are trying to strenghten the international RABM network we are happy to host this interview and to translate it to Italian, deepening the cooperation with Nigra Sono. ///IT I/le compa …

[EN – IT] Operation Volkstod – Sex with Satan

In this amazingly shitty year, Operation Volkstod, the RABM one-man band from Frankfurt, decided to ease our miseries sending us their new and upcoming album. Nothing better than a preview of a good RABM record titled Sex with Satan to wash away the Christmas-induced ennui. La one-man band RABM da Francoforte Operation Volkstod ha deciso di …

[IT – EN] FVCK BLACK METAL: let’s find Neige and take a dump in his mailbox!

A few months ago a new meme player entered the black metal post-ironic arena: FVCK BLACK METAL. With a growing influence on Facebook and Instagram, the project combines an in-your-face approach, the overcoming of self-referential shitposting and an advanced political perspective. We caught instantly the affinity between Semirutarum Urbium Cadavera and FBM, and thus started …

[EN – IT] “Build networks of antifascist influence and power within the scene, unveil NSBM for the joke it is” – Draugr

After reading the astonishing piece written by Draugr for Decibel Mag, we instantly decided that we needed more from him. Thus we reached him for an interview. Here are his words. Dopo aver letto lo strabiliante pezzo di Draugr per Decibel Mag, abbiamo deciso immediatamente che volevamo maggiori notizie da lui. Di conseguenza lo abbiamo …