[EN-IT] Something about Forrotian

[EN] Black metal has never been an island in itself. Since its very inception, notwithstanding the declarations of “purity” and similar, grandiose (and ultimately idiotic) proclamations, it has always been porous and open to contagion; much more so than how a bunch of Scandinavian teenagers would have us believe. [IT] Il black metal non è …

[EN-IT] Gråt Strigoi – The Prophetic Silence

Upon the darkest entry, I see those hallowed walls, Within; I look upon the crux of a dream, A dream clouded by anticipation of awakening (Upon the Darkest Entry, We Dream) [EN] While summertime is making everyone absolutely and miserably sweaty and we are slumbering once more in a light, wet and uneasy sleep, from …

[EN-IT] Stuff we listened to, and so should YOU

[EN] These completely random and randomly put suggestions are here to rekindle the fighting spirits. Educate, Agitate, Organize, headbang and smash stuff, shout your rage, kick a cop, punch a colonist. [IT] Questi suggerimenti completamente random e gettati a caso sono qui per riattivare uno spirito di lotta. Éducati, àgitati, órganizzati, fai headbang e spacca …

[EN-IT] Ulltisol – Farther Farfar Faerie Forest

[EN] You are wandering through a forest on a humid Autumn afternoon when a weird shape hiding on the grass at the feet of some tree catches your attention. Now curious, you approach the bizarre, alien-like shape and its yellow tone, spotted by bruise-like, blue stains. [IT] Stai vagando attraverso una foresta nell’umidio pomeriggio autunnale, …

[EN-IT] Winter Lantern – A Pale and Haunting Moon

Winter Lantern is a “one woman vampyric black metal” band hailing from North Carolina, US, and which dropped their second full length, A Pale and Haunting Moon, in February 2021. Winter Lantern è il nome di una band “one woman vampyric black metal” dalla Carolina del Nord, e che ha rilasciato il suo secondo album, …

[EN – IT] Operation Volkstod – Sex with Satan

In this amazingly shitty year, Operation Volkstod, the RABM one-man band from Frankfurt, decided to ease our miseries sending us their new and upcoming album. Nothing better than a preview of a good RABM record titled Sex with Satan to wash away the Christmas-induced ennui. La one-man band RABM da Francoforte Operation Volkstod ha deciso di …

[EN – IT] Book of Sand – Anarchist Occult Propaganda

It came out in 2016 but we don’t care about being on time with shit, so here is the review for Book of Sand’s masterpiece: Anarchist Occult Propaganda. È uscito nel 2016 ma siccome non ci importa di essere in orario con le scadenze, ecco la recensione del capolavoro di Book of Sand: Anarchist Occult …