Et par le pouvoir d’un mot, Je recommence ma vie, Je suis né pour te connaître, Pour te nommer… Liberté. Paul Éluard, “Libertè”, 1942.
Tag Archives: atmospheric black metal
[EN – IT] Mordran – One-and-Ninety Years of Darkness
[EN] One of the most ridiculous critiques that we hear about RABM, even sometimes from people who are politically on our side, is that “it lacks quality”. Then the connoisseur generally adds something in the vein of “unlike the nazis, who produce high-quality albums.”. Now, we are not ideological people, we can recognise a good …
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[EN-IT] Void Angel/Sacral – Crucible of Utopia (Split)
We were lucky enough to listen to a fucking cool split involving two really young and equally promising black metal projects, Sacral and Void Angel. These are, shortly, the reasons why we loved the brief and intense “Crucible of Utopia“, and why you will too. Abbiamo avuto la fortuna di poter ascoltare lo split di due …
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[IT-EN-ES] Nigra Sono: a conversation with A Plague
///EN The comrades at Nigra Sono, anarchist and antifascist podcast, interviewed Al, mastermind behind “A Plague“, black metal project from São Paulo, Brazil. As we are trying to strenghten the international RABM network we are happy to host this interview and to translate it to Italian, deepening the cooperation with Nigra Sono. ///IT I/le compa …
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[EN – IT] The Ghost Gardener – This is my garden, this is my Kingdom
This is my Garden This is my Kingdom
[EN-IT] Pessimista – Negative Mind All Day (music video)
Pessimista, pessimistic atmospheric black metal from São Paulo, shows us the daily reality of Covid-19 in Brazil in a naked and raw way.
[EN – IT] Feminazgûl – No Dawn for Men
You have overcome. You are purified. BUT YOUR HEART WILL STILL HOWL.
[EN][IT] “The more fascist tendencies rise in black metal, the more the flame goes out” – Impavida
We are happy to share some words with God Killing Himself, one of the two people behind Impavida, a trans-continental black metal act from Germany and USA, who gently answered our call. Siamo liet di condividere alcune parole con God Killing Himself, una delle due persone dietro agli Impavida, un progetto black metal transcontinentale dalla Germania e …
Wretched Empires – Bloom
A distanza di due settimane vi proponiamo una nuova release, anche questa da oltreoceano: si tratta dell’EP “Bloom” dei Wretched Empires, band che arriva precisamente da St. Louis, nel Missouri.
Heavenfield – Se Storm
Arriva direttamente da oltreoceano e più precisamente dalla California la demo della one man band Heavenfield.