Pessimista, pessimistic atmospheric black metal from São Paulo, shows us the daily reality of Covid-19 in Brazil in a naked and raw way.
Author Archives: scadavera
[EN – IT] Feminazgûl – No Dawn for Men
You have overcome. You are purified. BUT YOUR HEART WILL STILL HOWL.
[EN – IT] Nasce SCadavera Records
Dress up properly – Satan We did our best to please our individual urges and the likes of Satan. Abbiamo cercato di fare del nostro meglio per compiacere le nostre urgenze individuali e le brame di Satana.
[EN – IT] Dawn Ray’d: Dealing with trolls and nazis on your social media- a thread.
We as a band have had some negative attention from the far right, online only, as they never dare come to our shows. It has never deterred us, because of how we deal with them as it happens. Come band abbiamo ricevuto attenzioni non desiderate dall’estrema destra, solamente online, visto che non si azzardano a …
[EN – IT] “In today’s world it’s impossible to remain truly apolitical.” – Bury Them and Keep Quiet
Today we had a chat with Forrest Cutrer, mastermind behind the antifascist black metal act “Bury Them and Keep Quiet“. Oggi parliamo con Forrest Cutrer, mastermind del progetto black metal antifascista “Bury Them and Keep Quiet“.
[EN – IT] Book of Sand – Anarchist Occult Propaganda
It came out in 2016 but we don’t care about being on time with shit, so here is the review for Book of Sand’s masterpiece: Anarchist Occult Propaganda. È uscito nel 2016 ma siccome non ci importa di essere in orario con le scadenze, ecco la recensione del capolavoro di Book of Sand: Anarchist Occult …
Continue reading “[EN – IT] Book of Sand – Anarchist Occult Propaganda”
[EN][IT] “The more fascist tendencies rise in black metal, the more the flame goes out” – Impavida
We are happy to share some words with God Killing Himself, one of the two people behind Impavida, a trans-continental black metal act from Germany and USA, who gently answered our call. Siamo liet di condividere alcune parole con God Killing Himself, una delle due persone dietro agli Impavida, un progetto black metal transcontinentale dalla Germania e …
Wretched Empires – Bloom
A distanza di due settimane vi proponiamo una nuova release, anche questa da oltreoceano: si tratta dell’EP “Bloom” dei Wretched Empires, band che arriva precisamente da St. Louis, nel Missouri.
Heavenfield – Se Storm
Arriva direttamente da oltreoceano e più precisamente dalla California la demo della one man band Heavenfield.
Caged: “The Death Upon the Sea”
A track for the comrades hit by State repression Italiano sotto ↓ Yesterday we got word that our friends Caged released the track “The Death Upon the Sea” to support comrades involved in Operazione Ritrovo.