[EN-IT] Gråt Strigoi – The Prophetic Silence

Upon the darkest entry, I see those hallowed walls, Within; I look upon the crux of a dream, A dream clouded by anticipation of awakening (Upon the Darkest Entry, We Dream) [EN] While summertime is making everyone absolutely and miserably sweaty and we are slumbering once more in a light, wet and uneasy sleep, from …

[EN-IT] @fuck_nsbm: Openly speak out about the NSBM scene!

[EN] We had a short chat with the person behind @fuck_nsbm, a page that recently joined the fight against NSBM on Instagram. Despite being new, it promises updates on NS acts and labels. [IT] Abbiamo conversato con chi si occupa @fuck_nsbm, una pagina che recentemente si è unita alla lotta all’NSBM su Instagram. Anche se …

[EN-IT] OUR LOST CHANTS: “Cronache” of BloccoNero

[EN] The question is: why do the glorious history of Internationalism rarely got the attention of all those musical tendencies, from metal to martial industrial, intended to musically narrate epic deeds and warrior legends? [IT] La domanda è: perché la gloriosa storia dell’Internazionalismo raramente ha riscosso l’interesse di tutte quelle tendenze musicali, dal metal all’industrial …

[EN-IT] Gnoll: anarcho-dungeon crawling for peace!

[EN] It is in 2018 that, within Heimat der Katastrophe, a DIY Milan-based label, Gnoll, a DS project, takes form. In 2022, Gnoll suffers our murder-hobo curiosity. [IT] Nel 2018, in grembo alla label DIY milanese Heimat Der Katastrophe, nasce un progetto DS: gli Gnoll. Nel 2022, Gnoll subisce la nostra curiosità da murder-hobo.

[EN-IT] Flagburner – Satanic Panic

[EN] We spun the latest EP by Nottingham-based Flagburner. “Satanic Panic” is musically consistent with their latest works, including the full-length “STRIKE!”. A very well-balanced mix of raw black metal and industrial/techno/EBM. [IT] Abbiamo ascoltato l’ultimo EP di Flagburner, da Nottingham. “Satanic Panic” è musicalmente coerente con i precedenti lavori, incluso l’album “STRIKE!”. Un mix sapientemente …

[EN] Semirutarum – Black Metal Zine – Opus 0

[Post in italiano a questo indirizzo] Semirutarum Urbium Cadavera is a collective born from the need of taking a radical political stance inside the black metal universe, (and not only) in contraposition to the more and more normalised nazi-fascist, homobilesbotransphobe, sexist and ableist presences siegeing it. Throughout the years, in fact, inside the ontologically conservative …