Et par le pouvoir d’un mot, Je recommence ma vie, Je suis né pour te connaître, Pour te nommer… Liberté. Paul Éluard, “Libertè”, 1942.
Category Archives: Recensioni
[EN – IT] Mordran – One-and-Ninety Years of Darkness
[EN] One of the most ridiculous critiques that we hear about RABM, even sometimes from people who are politically on our side, is that “it lacks quality”. Then the connoisseur generally adds something in the vein of “unlike the nazis, who produce high-quality albums.”. Now, we are not ideological people, we can recognise a good …
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[EN-IT] Gråt Strigoi – The Prophetic Silence
Upon the darkest entry, I see those hallowed walls, Within; I look upon the crux of a dream, A dream clouded by anticipation of awakening (Upon the Darkest Entry, We Dream) [EN] While summertime is making everyone absolutely and miserably sweaty and we are slumbering once more in a light, wet and uneasy sleep, from …
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[EN-IT] OUR LOST CHANTS: “Cronache” of BloccoNero
[EN] The question is: why do the glorious history of Internationalism rarely got the attention of all those musical tendencies, from metal to martial industrial, intended to musically narrate epic deeds and warrior legends? [IT] La domanda è: perché la gloriosa storia dell’Internazionalismo raramente ha riscosso l’interesse di tutte quelle tendenze musicali, dal metal all’industrial …
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[EN-IT] Wholesome DSBM suggestions for antifascist kids pt.2
There is no place and no time to head to or to go back to. Non ci sono nessun luogo e nessun tempo verso i quali dirigersi, o ai quali fare ritorno. – Claudio Kulesko [here] [EN] We have been thinking about talking again about DSBM (depressive suicidal black metal). Contrary to our previous post, …
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[EN-IT] Void Angel, “Revenants”
I roar upon the river, an inland tidal wave I am the storm over the sea, the blur inside the rain I scream across the shoreline with the thunder, then I’m gone I pass over your harbour, roaring on and on
[EN-IT] Flagburner – Satanic Panic
[EN] We spun the latest EP by Nottingham-based Flagburner. “Satanic Panic” is musically consistent with their latest works, including the full-length “STRIKE!”. A very well-balanced mix of raw black metal and industrial/techno/EBM. [IT] Abbiamo ascoltato l’ultimo EP di Flagburner, da Nottingham. “Satanic Panic” è musicalmente coerente con i precedenti lavori, incluso l’album “STRIKE!”. Un mix sapientemente …
[EN-IT] Spettro – S.T.
[EN] Spettro is a furious black metal project that presents strong punk contaminations, combined with thrash metal elements and dark moments too. [IT] Spettro è un furioso progetto black metal dalle intense contaminazioni punk combinate ad elementi thrash metal da un lato e momenti più “scuri” dall’altro.
[EN-IT] “Not A Minute Of Silence… A Lifetime of Struggle!” compilation
[EN] Released at the beginning of July and produced by the French collective Non Serviam as a benefit for anarchist comrades arrested and repressed by the police, this compilation includes 13 bands and it’s 86 minutes long. This is a track-by-track exploration. [IT] Uscita ad inizio luglio e realizzata dal collettivo francese dei Non Serviam …
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[EN-IT] Ulltisol – Farther Farfar Faerie Forest
[EN] You are wandering through a forest on a humid Autumn afternoon when a weird shape hiding on the grass at the feet of some tree catches your attention. Now curious, you approach the bizarre, alien-like shape and its yellow tone, spotted by bruise-like, blue stains. [IT] Stai vagando attraverso una foresta nell’umidio pomeriggio autunnale, …
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