[EN – IT] Mordran – One-and-Ninety Years of Darkness

[EN] One of the most ridiculous critiques that we hear about RABM, even sometimes from people who are politically on our side, is that “it lacks quality”. Then the connoisseur generally adds something in the vein of “unlike the nazis, who produce high-quality albums.”. Now, we are not ideological people, we can recognise a good …

[EN-IT] Gråt Strigoi – The Prophetic Silence

Upon the darkest entry, I see those hallowed walls, Within; I look upon the crux of a dream, A dream clouded by anticipation of awakening (Upon the Darkest Entry, We Dream) [EN] While summertime is making everyone absolutely and miserably sweaty and we are slumbering once more in a light, wet and uneasy sleep, from …